Feels weird for me to write this but I somehow knew that you will be writing something exactly about this and have been waiting for a while. Not just that you will write about the rabbit but that this would become your next topic after a long pause.

(Might be because I became aware of a „Follow the rabbit“ graffiti in my area)

(Also a white rabbit happened to cross my way the other day... in the city...)

(There is also a white rabbit on the cover of the book S.I. in the G.D. by Cicero)

Anyway thank you for everything!

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Curious. Just today, while reading "man and his symbols" from Jung, I stumbled upon a chapter dedicated to the exploration of the Winnebago hero cycles. Basically, a tribal telling of the hero's journey.

Here's the funny part, one of the archetypal forms of the hero's journey is the *hare*. I'll write the excerpt here:

"It (the hare) begins in an animalistic form. It has not reached the stature of the mature man; nonetheless, he appears as the founder of human culture: the transfigurator"

I think you, Galahad, are the hare. I stumbled upon you almost exactly a year after a psychedelic trip that completely changed the course of my life. As a matter of fact you posted this exactly on the 3rd of October, one year after this event.

You have brought sanity to a sea of confusion and madness. Something big started shifting inside me right after discovering you. Before, I could rarely get glimpses of clarity, but now I think I'm starting to integrate and make sense of what I experienced a year back. Slowly, sure, but steady

I also wanted to mention: I'm writing this on the 30th of October, 27 days after the 3rd: 2+7 is 9. I have started noticing a lot of triple numbers during the past couple of weeks too.

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Also, the hare appears almost in response to another cycle, which is the "trickster"

I'll paraphrase, but basically it says that the trickster is a child-like figure, which only responds to instinctual needs, is cynical and cannot observe beyond itself. This *coincidentally* aligns with your labrynth explanation, where you describe how, when you're not constellating, you can only see reality in chunks, not being able to connect the dots, living blindly, lost in the labrynth.

The book also says that the hare archetype leads the trickster to evolve.

Personally this is of great significance. I have unconsciously embodied this archetype for the past year. You have been this hare for me. Not only me, I can assure you that you've been that for many others.

Thank you Galahad, truly. I cannot really expressed how you've helped me

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This is very compelling information and I probably would not have found it on my own as I had already read that book and do not usually re-read things. Thank you for sharing and I'm glad to have provided you with something of value!

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You're welcome man. Hope your next video releases soon!! I'll keep following the white rabbit

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Hey, great post and well-timed for me, keep it up! I just wanted to caution you against taking your friends' suggestions of stalking too seriously. The Targeted Individual or TI delusion/paranoia seems to be a common pitfall for those on the path or in these waters in recent decades. To be fair the people susceptible to this are typically not nearly developed as you as far as accepting the extra-dimensional/spiritual aspect of our world goes but I have seen this go badly enough that I thought it worthwhile to warn you of this. Sometimes things are just weird, sometimes there is coordination but it is otherworldly. I'm sure you will find your answers but having started down these paths before and fallen prey to paranoia myself I wish you a clear, peaceful, and happy mind. And, should you ever find yourself beset upon by your own mind: solve et couagula.

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Thank you. I'm not really the paranoid type though. Not much makes me anxious.

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Good to hear!

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By the way, this past weekend was the Chinese Mid-Autumn Moon festival, when the Full Moon is at its largest, called the "Harvest Moon" since many cultures celebrate after completing the harvest or start it.

This is the event from which the myth of the elixir-making rabbit emerges. He is said to be the pet of the royal consort Chang'e, who stole the elixir of immortality from her tyrannical husband, Hou Yi, an archer who got that position after shooting down 9 of the 10 suns that once occupied earth's skies. Chang'e drank the elixir to prevent her husband from extending his despotic rule indefinitely, and floated up to the moon as a result, taking her rabbit with her.

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It’s also notable, in relation to Chinese Lunar calendar traditions, that we are currently in the year of the rabbit according to the Chinese Zodiac.

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Yes! I'd forgotten about that!

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Soon you’ll witness the serpent. At least that’s how it went for me.

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Gryphon, I have seen your original video and yet I am still concerned that you are being led astray by a evil spirit... this spirit that you are interacting with called "Zell" (the pleasant female one). Could you ask her " Did Jesus Christ come in the flesh from God" and get a Direct Concise answer?

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He says an angel told him Christ came in the flesh from God.

And what's so bad about an evil spirit?

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The white rabbit goes to the apple tree, his entry is between the tree roots.

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Curious, just yesterday I watched the movie "Wonka". There's a scene where, in the middle of a shop, there's a tree (reminded me of Eden and the tree of knowledge). Then, some rabbits come out from in-between the tree roots. Also, in the same movie, the Z and N symbols from the Logos video come into play. Just after coming out of theatre, while driving I saw it was 9:55 p.m. and that in front of me was a Hyundai car with the number plates 9-0-5-5. If you see Hyundai's logo, it's basically the Z symbol.

Something's going on

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A few hours after reading this post for the first time, when it was still fresh in my mind, I was recommended on YouTube a video that I would normally think completely inconsequential; an upload by The Comfy Synth Archives- the album "Mr. Hare", with a rabbit on the cover. There were six 2s in total- two in the timestamp, one in the title making up "Volumes 1-2", two in the year of release, 2023 (put in parentheses in the title), and it was released two days ago- this makes up two 222s. There were three 3s in total, two in timestamp and one in the year of release. Three sets of triple numbers in total. The title of the album, Mr. Hare, was on the cover twice, along with a physical picture of a rabbit. Three references to rabbits in total. On top of that, two days ago was 1/2/2023, which contains another 222, which adds even another set of triple numbers. Four triple numbers in total, three triple numbers of the same type 222, and three references to rabbits- whose iconic finger puppet silhouette is like the number '2'.

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I should clarify I saw the video yesterday, hence two days before *yesterday*, when I saw the video, was 1/2/2023.

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Just today , I got a reading where "follow the white rabbit " was brought up. Coincidentally, I stumbled on your YouTube post about the white rabbit, & that's how I ended up here.

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A peace sign behind the head also symbolizes "bunny ears"

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Are you aware Jung uses the term, "constellate" in a similar manner as you?

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Hey, I have watched all of your YouTube videos and read your blog posts over the last few days. I just want to say thanks for making both. I had an experience very much like yours a month ago and am still trying to make sense of it.

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Hekate is likewise considered the female version of or consort of Hermes. Not a coincidence at all. They continuously pile up

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I discovered your videos about 4 months ago, along with those of CTMU Tommy and Kehlan of Formscapes, and ever since then I've been telling people at work that I've been going down " Weird rabbit holes". I've always been a very spiritual person (raised Catholic, still attend Mass), and your work along with theirs has led me to feel closer to God than I ever have. Interestingly, I've also become a bit obsessed with the novel Watership Down by Richard Adams as of late; The story is famous for its depictions of animal violence and incorporation of rabbit folklore. They are essentially prey animals, given the gifts of speed, cunning and foresight by the sun god Frith after he created predators to ensure they would never overrun the earth with their fecundity. I saw your Twitter post about being dead for weeks and wanting to explain soon, and I wonder if it has to do with Lepus being chased by the dogs of Orion in the stars. If you are Lepus, and Abraxas is Orion, then perhaps whatever powers have been giving you visions and insights are the dogs? Just food for thought. I'm curious to see what your new video is about though, all of this has been deeply illuminating for me.

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Just yesterday I saw the movie "Wonka". Apart from some symbolism I haven't quite been able to pin down (I somehow feel this movie is filled with symbolism), there was this scene where a tree lied in the middle of a garden inside of a shop. This by itself kind of reminded me of the tree of knowledge and the garden of Eden, and it's not trivial as this tree symbolizes something inside of the main narrative. Then, some rabbits came out from between the roots of the tree. This feels significant.

Also, the Z and N symbol from the Logos video came into play, it was actually a fairly important plot-point in the movie. I won't spoil it, but the main point was a confusion between these two letters, which unveiled an unexpected truth. I believe this is significant.

I also want to mention, after coming out of the theatre, while driving I saw that it was 9:55 p.m. I then looked up, and saw a Hyundai car with the number plate 9-0-5-5. If you see the Hyundai logo, you'll notice it is quite familiar.

Something's going on, I can feel it

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I've also been seeing a hell of a lot of rabbits everywhere. I don't want to hyper-fixate on this and start hallucinating connections where there might not be. But I also can't ignore the signs, and they're showing themselves to me.

Also, I suggest watching a video. "I, pet goat II". It's an animation that came out in 2012.

At simple glance it might look like a conspiracy woo woo video, but there are some significant resonances with your explanations. There's the rabbit, the three pyramids, Horus, the antichrist, the fall of the church, and other symbolisms that you might catch on better than I can. If you do watch it, it would be interesting to hear what you make of it.

I hope you're doing well, God bless your soul for all the good work you've done. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 😊

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Had a dream that I met a man and a woman on a tall hill looking out over a circuit board, the man clothed in black pants and black hoody with Donnie Darko on it. The woman clothed in light grey and white wrappings dress like almost shinning without a face. I feel almost as if it might have something to do with you possibly I don't know but I had this dream when I was five and then saw a four foot tall demonic dark grey rabbit in that dream and have seen it all throughout my life all 44 years of it, awake and asleep.

Does this resonate......

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