I came upon Galahad E. on Tuesday evening the 14th October 2023 - the day of the last solar eclipse. Surfing YouTube, I saw your excellent videos and for several days watched them all. Today I read this entry. I am responding to your writings with enthusiasm, thank you. PS: I grew up with an old print of Galahad my grandmother gave me. I still have it.

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hey galahad i made a little drawing of your article, for fun that is


know you must get some odd comments but i just got a dream where you responded something funny to someone:




this is in mere preparation to the solar conspiracies



*the gibberish is the part i cant remember, anyway cheers

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I like it! Thank you

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I glanced over this blog post a few days prior to the passing of one of my favourite authors, Cormac McCarthy. Tonight I decided to pick up his book No Country for Old Men and give it a read.

In the third chapter one of the characters is passing through a town called Dryden. I immediately had to do another take as that deja vu feeling kicked in. What are the chances?

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In my head I have always imagined the "New Jerusalem" described in Revelation that comes down to Earth to be that exact shape.

Like a diamond-like shape, that will come down and land on the Earth almost like a UFO.

Maybe you could find something interesting down that route.

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That sounds really interesting. I'd love to hear more in your upcoming series.

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Dear Eridanus

I read your essay and many before with great joy. I like the way you think, because it matches mine. So then after reading this post, the urge to write to you arose in me again. So I do now. First I summarize what I see you wrote in this text then I go into my criticism. Correct me if I’m wrong:

You extend platonic metaphysics into retrocausal nonlinear space-time, which in effect is a way of showing how archetypal patterns extend into/emanate from the transpersonal and retrocausally constellate „different but same“ variations of the underlying higher order principles which are hierarchically and isomorphically encoded as its syntheses into the higher planes of existence and culminate towards/emanate from a singularity (I guess it’s toroidal, if you expand the past and future cones). You propose this as a reconciliation of the free will/determinism paradox.

This all seems reasonable to me yes, but in the context of manifestation I see retrocausality more like a cool party trick than a practical explanation. Don’t understand me wrong, I believe it can give us valuable insights into how linear will is expanded into nonlinear transpersonal will/transcendent agency (of our higher self who guides us). And I see your project of raising others consciousness into a higher ontological perspective (towards the bright-blue capstone of the pyramid aka seeing the code of the Matrix). But I would simultaneously still absolutely keep and hold on to the simple explanation of manifestation as the most relevant for our consciousness. So see the following more like a: yes and.

Simplistic manifestation principles tell us: the (linearly perceived) forming variations of the in the past planted idealized forms and principles are lagging behind because of the material buffer zone (this buffer zone where things can be planted, all is tangible and in the process of becoming I understand as Yesod). Synchronicities are signs of alignment with the planted, now unfolding and ever densening pattern stream („the trees whose branches are their possible effect lineages“).

The synchronous occurrences and callings (e. g. DRYDEN) would then be the densening of a before more latent pattern vibration in Yesod (it’s constelating in your terminology). The fact that one is conscious of synchronicities (which literally happen all the time) means that one has in that moment connected oneself to this specific pattern stream and is willing it more into condensed reality (it is infused with more meaning resp. loaded with more libido. Libido/Eros in the jungian/freudian model (they are obviously built on each other) is ultimately seeking to reach for greater wholeness and individuation in opposition to Thanatos/Mortido doing the opposite). So the symbols you see show up in your life or you are being drawn to are perhaps better understood as effects of an original will (Dharma) which then are working as catalysts to further constellate and fulfill the story of the original will (like your gearwheel was drawn to your latent libidinous patterns and became an unconscious talisman which helped to manifest your further story). Your frame of the winning story exerting the strongest pull on the present, thus placing the most meaningful synchronicities which then acts as catalytic confirmation markers which ultimately manifests the teleological hyper-object is interesting but actually not needed to understand transpersonal will/transcendent agency (the guiding will of the angelic higher-self).

Your psychological setup acts as a specific magnet which is all the time attracting specific symbols and phenomenas which match its vibration. But the reality is everything and I mean everything you experience is such a catalytic talisman, some stay longer and are more obvious some are just here for a split second. The symbolic world is a perfect mirror of our inner world. So you perhaps see where I am going with this. You can make meaning and teleological objects out of everything. And all is true. But is it really useful?

It seems to me that much of your efforts are funneled towards understanding the ontological vacuum that came after your angel experience. You seek to go back to this sublime gnosis you had been given there and in the process also lift other peoples perspective.

The way you have formed your concept of teleological objects is much like a mathematician would once have formed the concept of imaginary numbers; a stand in for an impossible operation. Which of course is somewhat useful for making models of unknown territories but sometimes forgets that it is just that; a model. A map. Yes it’s fancy, yes it’s cool but also, it’s just a tool. Although I believe the aquarian age is much about bringing a preciseness into spirituality rather than mythological reductivism, which I think you are doing very well, I can’t help but see an immense lack of practicability and pragmatism in your endeavors.

I mean how can we not just passively examine our attracted symbols but actively shape them, speak them into existence?

For example a very simple way of creating/connecting to a teleological object is connecting a music song to your future self image. You choose a song you really vibe to and getting inspiration from. You don’t need to know why. In fact it’s better if you don’t. You just vibe. Then every time you hear the song you make visualizations of your preferred future timeline. You gradually make it more real and embodied. Write down auto-suggestions. Draw pictures. Dance to it. Or even make a short movie like I always do. Really connect the song to your future self image and feel the emotions of you being that person.

Perhaps what I really want to say here is: How can you make your philosophy practically applicable for the common human being in the emerging chaos of the aquarian age? How can you help even more so in activating latent human will? And how can we form/connect with a collective teleological hyper-object which shoots us into the evolutionary future stream we most care about?

I know, many questions and I don’t really expect an answer. But just know that I do appreciate your work and wish you well on your way.

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Hey, thanks. I appreciate the way you articulate all of this and I actually don't fundamentally disagree with much of it.

I think what I'm in the process of presenting is actually more practical and embodied than most of what else I see from this space. I think it's more integrated and more powerful than conventional ceremonial magic. But I've intentionally avoided talking about that stuff. Similar to what Jung did, I felt it was deeply important that I test my model on myself.

I've been using this stuff for years now and it works, but when something in the occult "works" this should first be cause for trepidation, and until you have some rough sketch of what's happening under the hood, you can't just play Azazel and release these kinds of things.

I've been secretive with the applied side of my work, but that's the primary source of my information. I don't generally talk vibrations, kabbalistic correspondences and manifestation because that's all too a priori and theoretical for me. I've never seen these "vibrations." I've seen teleological objects and I've used them to make things happen the way I wanted.

I had a Trinity test and it scared the hell out of me. There's a reason that All Along the Watchtower began and ended with footage of nuclear tests

Anyways, the current plan is to release all that material in my upcoming series because I don't see a better move with things the way they are, but I kind of wish I did.

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Okay good, now I understand it better. Makes sense to refine it first to maximize its potency. I respect your diligence. So you had a vision of the trinity test?

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No, I had my own "trinity test." Used my model and tried to produce a result. Something highly specific.

For the sake of the test, it couldn't be arbitrary. I asked Zell to bring me to that which I most desired because she said that was within her reach.

Not only did I get what I desired, but it happened in a way so implausible that it kind of exposed the whole mechanism.

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I notice the Z/N glyph also look like 2 fishes.

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When I hear you explain the layers of the pyramid, I think of Jean gebser's stages of consciousness. Most notably, when you said in your watchtower video that time loses its locality, it reminds me of the integral state. Have you encountered his ideas, and if so, do you think they hold credibility?

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Brilliant. I always thought the cube of Saturn or the hexagram north pole representation that apparently the saturnian north pole or energetic representation is. That rules the strict rules of time and ergo mathematics and all other manner of glyphs and religions. Inspiring you have managed to compile the art and esoteric within the story narrative of adaptive 'Daeisn.'

Feel free to have any of my writings you might be interested on my webpage.

Really interesting stuff that I am perusing on your substack


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do you think in words or do you verbalise thoughts?

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that cube animation reminded me of this:


During pilgrimage believers of that faith circle 7 times and i can't help but see 7 in Z.

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I dont get what the layers of the pyramid are supposed to be

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It's so integral to the way I think and see that I probably don't explain it very well.

A pyramid is a structure that is unified at its highest level, but more and more multifarious the lower down you go. For me, this structure is cosmological and ubiquitous.

A water molecule can be represented pyramidally to illustrate. It contains 28 up quarks, 26 down quarks and 10 electrons. These are the "fundamental" particles. The word has the same root as "foundation." This is the lowest and broadest stratum of the pyramid.

The particles are in relationships with each other. 2 up quarks and a down quark make a proton. 2 down quarks and an up quark make a neutron. When you look at quarks as these hadrons you end up understanding their behavior better than if you look at them as quarks. They are both, but 18 hadrons are easier to keep track of than 54 quarks and you'd be wasting your time keeping track of all the quarks, because the quarks are really moving together.

The hadrons and electrons form into three atoms. 2 protons and 2 electrons make 2 hydrogens, and the remaining 8, 8 and 8 of each particle make an oxygen. So we can reduce the complexity from 28 particles to just 3 particles. Some smarty-pants will tell you the hydrogens and oxygen are just "systems of relationships between quarks and electrons," but it's a better map of reality, so who cares?

In turn, those three particles are really one particle. One H2O molecule.

So your pyramid has 4 strata. 4 projections or images of the same "object." One has 64 moving parts, the next has 28 moving parts, the next has just 3 moving parts, and the last, only 1.

So the question becomes: "how many moving parts do you want to deal with?"

And the good answer is: "as few of them as possible."

If you're trying to cause events at a molecular scale, the quarks will just waste your time. Only look at quarks when doing quark things.

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