The more I wander down this rabbit hole of perceiving our experience here on Earth as a vibration and illusion of different archetypal manifestations of a higher intelligence, the cooler everything has become! Thank you for sharing, I really enjoy your ideas and insight, for those of us seeking knowledge in this field, you are on the cutting edge of higher levels of awareness!

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He's the icon of the Egregore! Great post.

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This conception of gods as having their egos within individuals is fascinating; is your thinking on "gods" is at all analagous to your thinking on "God?" Because if it is, then we might consider Jesus to have been the conductor of God: this is saying a lot, don't you think? Because it means that God has experienced an "ego death" through the death of Jesus on the Cross. I won't pretend to understand what that might imply.

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I would go with the more traditional stance and say that he's the head of the body of the church. It seems important to me that God should stand beyond time and space entirely. He isn't technically the same kind of thing as the gods are.

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God is beyond the forms, the patterns, but why is he "He"/the masculine – like vater, pattern, would make sense: the Logos that brings the pleroma into articulated shapes. But if God is (or contains? correct me) both Eros & Logos, undifferentiated pleroma, formlessness, emptiness (like the cup) and the shapes & formations – then why not It?

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I see, thank you. Follow up: would you say that the archetypes themselves are beyond time and space as well, or are they just in a different level of time and space? Because my understanding of the archetypes is as "ideal forms" of some kind of another, and in this way materiality can only approximate to varying degrees of closeness the associated archetypes. Andrew Tate can be the "Mars of the moment," but Mars does not seem to have a "moment" on its own except insofar as it is expressed in the world through people and events. Intuitive people can "sense" the degree of approximation or "resonation" of worldly things with the archetypes, I'm sure of this, but even then the ways in which these people describe the archetypes are inexhaustible: the archetypes seem to be like "attractors" of phenomena, perceived in an indirect way as like light "shining through" appearances. But in this way, I want to find a way to distinguish the transcendentality of the archetypes with the transcendentality of God proper: because it seems like God must be transcendant not just of the world but also of the gods, just like you've said. Maybe this is quite technical, but I think it is an interesting point of engagement nonetheless.

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There's a hierarchy.

There is the platonic form of the lion, below the form of the predatory cat, below the form of the predatory mammal below the form of the predator as such.

Higher forms are less temporal, but still temporal.

For instance: there were no predatory cats 100 million years ago, but there were still predators.

God is beyond even the forms.

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This makes sense. Thank you!

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Taking this to it's logical end, at the highest level of abstraction We all come together into a body as vast as space-time itself, into no god per se, but God Themself. But then where is the head of this greatest body? I'm inclined to believe it's here and now, my Self, the ultimate ego; But I can also imagine The God Head as being beyond all of space-time, nonexistent in a sense.

What do you think?

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If the body is the entirety of time and space, then the head must necessarily be something that isn't time and space, or else the head would be the body. The only thing that doesn't reside in time and space is nothing.

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answered here maybe: https://galahaderidanus.substack.com/p/symbols-of-mass-conduction/comment/12420320 [God is beyond the gods, beyond space-time] – maybe God contains, flows through, and organises the forms (Eros & Logos), but is also... beyond space & time... no-Self maybe, emptiness?...

Isn't Abraxas headless?... 🌌

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So how do you make a movie with characters that make people have magickal experiences?

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It has to say something true, like Christ's parables. One does not have to lie to make fiction.

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Now do Taylor Swift.

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Tate as Mars - this makes so much sense to me, even a year later. I think it was in Crowley's Book of Thoth where I read about the occult idea that the age of Aquarius will be guided by feminine energy in contrast to the age of Pisces. A lot of what's happening in the world fits this idea. Also cultural movements and especially popular culture. It seems to me that some people are trying to accelerate this process or bring it into reality on the first place. Let's see what the last few months of 2024 will bring.

And thanks again for the insights.

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To get made. The balance of law. One is made into the Mascot. The peoples champtions made in the way military invent enemies to validate the hubris. Working on the premise of morphogenic resonance. The Myelin Sheath or Fascia holds all these conductive energetic responses. In Hannemans description of the cure for the miasma of the human conditions of pain. "Like sometimes cures like."

In the reflexive world we are watching the Ourabouros moment where each bi-pedal carbon life form is reflected back inwards by external show on the backbone of an optical fibre network that enacts the great Globalist nervous system.

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Psychotic Engagement

We need unhinged, euphoric, rabid, psychotic levels of engagement


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The ideal body of people will not have a human mascot.

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wehns the next video>!>!

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What would you give to conductors like Andrew Tate? How would you advise their thought and action?

Dis-identify from the force? Seek support ("But because of man’s weakness with regard to the Gods and daimons and their invincible law, community is necessary, not for man’s solace, but because of the Gods" – CG Jung) & counter-balance?

How much are people like this actually needed for the evolution of our story: are their function unfortunate, compensatory accident ("psychotoxins"), or if not them, would someone else similarly conduct the same force (albeit in a generative way)? I wonder was JBP (& his resultant low point) a result of conducting too much...? ⛈

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