I love every bit of this. My comment is not meant to clarify your view of cosmic dualism, I only offer my own interpretation.

The Christian Father-god is with and in the CIA. It is the judgmental, punishing entity, always watching, listening, and seeing. When I felt an identical pretense, watching and judging me, I precisely located it by drawing it out of the woodwork. When I stirred the stew, the CIA floated to the surface. That is the spirit that was possessing and following me all my life. Perhaps it is true that it corresponds to all religious fundamentalism, but it also corresponds to social Marxism and progressivism in the universities.

The opposite god, Lucifer, is the god of reason. It is the entity that makes only the most profitable, practical, rational decisions. His children are the Machiavellians, narcissists, sociopaths. He is associated with “new” science, with the corporate and industrial world, with global finance and banking, postmodern medicine, war. He possesses those who desire society, respect, power.

Anything I am missing?

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If you're asking me, and only if you're asking me: hard dualism is bad. "God" must stand above and between duality. He is the father in the parable of the prodigal son. And in that parable, Christ sets up the same dichotomy I do here, but does it quietly and cautiously.

Beyond that, I think the CIA is the perfect image of the archon. But the correspondences are always relative. I am a Lucifer when compared to a baptist, but I am a Yaldabaoth when compared to a Satanist. It's sort of like light and heavy which only exist when making comparisons.

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That’s exactly the sort of clarification I’m looking for. It takes time for me to integrate a good thinker, and I’m still getting to know your terms and the cosmogram: “Archon” is a new word for me.

That’s why I was pleased when you published the video on Abraxas. If Abraxas is the god who integrates Lucifer and Yaldaboath, he doesn’t merely stand between them, nor above them, but he has transformed them, into his own person, to generate a higher deity, in himself. Then balance is not the answer, but rather excellence in all things. But by what definition? It would take a lot more than mere enlightenment to achieve that state of mind.

Please keep writing and making videos! This is leading somewhere humanity has never been before…

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Spot on!

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I find it interesting that the dichotomy is usually between a wanderer and a lord of the house. e.g. Wotan and Freyr

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It seems to have something to do with inside and outside. Since we move in when it's cold, the wild "outsider" is most at odds with the cold god.

He seethes and plots against them in the summer and has his vengeance in the winter.

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I believe established Corporativism seems more saturnian than luciferian. It also loves cubes... everything in offices is squared, and Saturnians love cubes and straight lines, sterile colors and cold-aired places. New companies are more "luciferian" but as they establish, they become saturnian, such as Google did recently.

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This is bang on. Yaldabaoth is pentacles or coins in the cosmogram, and Lucifer is wands. Steiner's system is the same. Ahriman is money and Lucifer is magic.

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liked immediately when i saw "The Christian Father-god is with and in the CIA."

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Enlightening as always. What are your thoughts on water's peculiar property of expanding when frozen? You seem to hint at the contemplation of this phenomenon with the water molecule diagram and Saturn's hexagon. Perhaps I am dwelling to much on peculiarities of the allegory, or more depth is yet to be uncovered.

Here's a possible meaning in the realm of psychology. Air contracts when faced with cold, it is wet and hot, and so becomes more like a fluid the more it is cold until it condenses enough to be completely liquid. Air, the intellect, shrinks when faced with the Saturnian "Cold Principle", whatever that may represent psychologically. Water, ever a symbol for the unconscious and (intuitive function by my evaluation) expands in this cold. The influence of the unconscious instincts, and the irrational function, is inversely expanded to compensate for the shrinking conscious rationality. Not only does water expand but it SOLIDIFIES, in freezing. The unconscious then finds its place in material reality, acting directly with the world, one with its own nature, able to bypass consciousness altogether.

Another observation that may be interesting is the connection between cold, time, and matter. Not only are things preserved in the cold over time, but at minimum temperature, zero degrees Kelvin, it is hypothesized time "stops". Not only does this happen but matter itself would deteriorate as there would be no motion at all. There can be no motion without matter nor matter without motion. This poses an interesting symbolic problem as Saturn and Yaldabaoth are material gods. Their freezing effect in its finality seems to be the total undoing of matter! That the fact that heat implies motion and motion implies matter was known to the ancients can be seen in the Sun-Creator God Myth. Heat is always the creative force, Fire the creative element, which is totally opposed to Saturn's melancholic nature. I've already written too much. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

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I think a symbolic interpretation of that is difficult because the physical phenomenon is more complex. With temperature steadily dropping, water will contract. It then expands upon freezing, then continues contracting as ice. So it's almost like the water gasps when it crystallizes.

It probably has some symbolic meaning, but I have no idea what. It's such an alien pattern. I'm reluctant to touch it.

Regarding time and the cold, here's some spoilers for future content. I think Yaldabaoth/matter is cyclic time (repetition) and Lucifer/energy is linear time (change). The ideal is a corkscrew where your have the stability of cycles but the progress of linearity.

Matter tries to trap energy in cycles, energy tries to escape. You can imagine the cycles as a 9 to 5 job, and the line as an artsy side-project. You always want to escape the job and go all in on the passion project but the job provides material stability and tries to keep you trapped.

It makes sense to me that if the cyclic principle won, all change would stop. The circle of time shrinks into an infinitesimal point where it is noon at midnight.

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I like the coil imagery rather than the spiral myself, because it implies a transcendent dimenstion above the one dimensional line and two dimensional circle. Semantics really, but imagery is important.

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Had a dream that Yaldabaoth/Lucifer was actually shadow aspect of the left and right hemisphere of the brain and the Christ concept the intergration and harmony between the hemispheres.

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Yes. As I understand it, the left has more dopamine receptors (Venus/Lucifer) and the right is more receptive to stress hormones (Saturn/Yaldabaoth). This would fit.

The left hemisphere also controls the right side of the body and vice versa. This would map onto their placements in the cosmogram. Definitely not 1 to 1 though.

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Great read Galahad!

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This duality is also seen in Schizophrenics vs Sociopaths.

Schizophrenics believe in a hidden force with unmeasurable power trying to take away their free will (Yaldabaoth, Saturn, YHWH). Sociopaths believe they have the power and authority to push away and step over everyone else (Satan, Jupiter, Jesus).

I love these posts and videos because they reflect our humanity at such a fundamental level. Humanity must happen in the borders where these forces in eternal conflict touch. Otherwise, nothing would happen.

What an amazing time to be alive!

As Jesus said, all will be revealed. No secret will be left unknown. All rocks will be overturned.

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In Anthroposophy there exists a duality with Christ in the middle acting as a balancing force. On either side of Christ are two forces, similar to the two crosses on either side of him in the mystery of Golgotha. Those two opposing forces are said to be Lucifer, who represents extreme spirituality without groundedness or true wisdom, and Ahriman, who represent extreme materialism and literalism with no understanding of the spiritual. Ahriman is also said to be Satan….Saturn? Do you see a correlation between Saturn and Ahriman?

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Not sure if you’ve seen it already, but he actually explores this idea of Christ being the mediator between these two forces in one of his videos: https://youtu.be/81T-FQhHUVs?si=OXnMxJYNeQSjFMlA

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Your writing is top notch. Yahweh/Yaldabaoth even if just an archetypal being expressed through the minds of those it inhabits is still a danger to all beings that seek freedom. The poverty of ignorance is a gleaming target to the authoritarian minded who seek to tell you who you should be in a way none could ever live up to then insist you are the one that failed. How, might I ask, if God is perfect (ha) how could She have made anything that could ever become imperfect? Even a hidden imperfection is still an imperfection.

I am pretty sure that this cosmic clusterfuck called life may just be an accident but in my mind that makes us more valuable than words could ever define. Are we the clay/dirt play things made by a petulant bratty child god? Or are we star dust made manifestly aware of our nature able to seek understanding and build a house meaning in which we can celebrate our ride on this pale blue marble?

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