Amen. Lately I've picked up Ian McGilchrists book "The Master and his Emissary" which is a vast, comprehensive, scientifically sourced overview of the brains Hemispheric developments and their unique ways of thinking, specifically over the past few millennia of western civilization.

I'm finding ever increasing parallels and resonance between its conclusions and Aion's. Perhaps there may be more evidence for Aeonic shifts in neurodevelopment rather that history itself? I'd highly recommended you take a look one day. As always, keep up the good work, and be well.

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This perfectly sums up everything I've been taught since your last video. Rather than focusing on any of this, as real as it is, and as important as it will be in times to come, for this time I have been led to be captivated by nothing more than the simple truths of Christ, and the biblical story of God. I've learned that the depths of my gratitude for these things must be deeper and more foundational than any desire to know secrets of our world.

Something I've had to ask myself is how much of what is driving me towards the knowledge I've received from your work is coming from a place of deep existential ingratitude?

He who would die is not truely grateful for his life.

He who would live values what The Life came to die for.

You are alive. That is a miracle. Never stop being grateful for it.

(Speaking to anyone reading this, not necessarily you Galahad. I think you have a firm handle on this already)

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I don’t understand why the age of Pisces is the start of the new “great year” the astrological year is generally considered to start with Aries. God tells the Israelites in Egypt that the month of Aries is the new year for them.

The same conjunction of stars that occurred at the birth of Jesus also occurred at the birth of Moses (see Exodus Raba 1:18 and Josephus). This was why Pharaoh decreed to kill all baby boys just like in the time of Herod.

Wouldn’t it make more sense that the “great year” started with the age of Aries which was when Moses; the first Mashiach (anointed one) was born. As well as the birth of the Jews and the revelation of mount Sinai which is the ultimate movement away from pagandom and into the revolution of monotheism.

Am I missing something that shows that the start of the great year is in Pisces?

P.S another awesome post. Thank you so much!

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You would be right except that with aeons we're going backwards through the zodiac, so the age of Aries comes after the age of Taurus, even though Aries is before Taurus in the zodiac.

So a normal astrological year starts when Pisces ends and Aries begins. With a great year it's the other way around. The great year starts when Aries ends and Pisces begins.

Thanks for reading!

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So maybe the great year starts at the end of Taurus?

It seems incongruent of the nature of the cosmic cycles that Aries should be the start of the regular year but the end of the great year.

Again, I’m not sure if I’m missing something.

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Individual ego logic does not often map onto collective symbologic.

Both systems are memetically viable in the short-run, so you can believe the one you like. But in the long-run, I think that's a lot more contrived, and your brain stem doesn't like arbitrarily contrived rule systems. It likes patterns.

The collective unconscious is like an imaginative child. It's more intuitive than logical. It doesn't think propositionally (i.e. "Aries should be..."), it thinks aesthetically. It just wants the big cycle and the little cycle to start at the same spot.

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When you say both systems are memetically viable, are you referring to the ego logic vs collective symbologic? Or are you referring to whether the end of the great year is Taurus or Aries? If it’s the latter, do you mind explaining why you think it’s more contrived in the long run?

It’s more than just aesthetically the cycles should start in the same place.

But rather, Aries is deeply associated with the Head and beginnings on all symbolic levels (hence the start of normal year). Obviously I cannot fathom the great cosmic cycles but it just seems that if we can align the start of the great year with Aries it would be more congruent.

Besides for your theory of Christ being a super-anomalous phenomenon, what else makes you think that the start of the new great year is Pisces? Without giving too much thought to this topic it would seem that Aries would be the beginning of the great year for reasons that I mentioned earlier (Moses, Mount Sinai and the shift from pagan thought to monothiesm).

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Yes, by "systems" I mean where the great year ends. By memetically viable, I mean you could get a group of people to believe either and then you'd start seeing synchs that align with that shared belief.

And I agree, the cycles should start in the same place — on the border of Aries and Pisces. You're suggesting that the normal year and the great year should start at two different parts of the sky separated by thirty degrees.

So you would have to point over yonder and say "that's where the year begins," and then you'd have to point at a different spot and say "that's where the great year begins" and then when someone asks you why they don't start at the same place, you have to say "it's more congruent."

I just don't know about that. It "feels" contrived. It's not a logical thing, it's further back than logic.

Doing it that way because Aries is associated with xyz is putting the cart before the horse. First it is and then it means things. Not the other way around.

Also, the son of God just is a super-anomalous phenomenon, so that feels like consilience.

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Ah I see what you’re saying. Thank you very much 🙏.

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Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world

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The rabbi comment is absolutely true:

This whole thing is the way it is ONLY because God let it be.

I think this part of the reason why there was the covenant between God and Noah, God's ark in the sky. He'll not take such direct action as to cause a flood, but nevertheless his word will transform the world from the inside.

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Thank you. You have worded out the doubts I felt about a certain person, and myself too to some extent. It seems that for some people the acknowledgment of spirituality justifies the lack discipline in the search of truth. Mistaking your own infference for divine revelation, however true it may feel, is hubris squared. Good to be aware of such things.

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Yes, I think we're alluding to the same person unfortunately. It wouldn't bother me if he made a clear distinction between what he knows and what he thinks, but he doesn't seem to think there's a difference.

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Isn't this business about what we think and not what we know?

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I try to word things very deliberately. You'll find no instance in this piece where the line between historical data and interpretation is blurred.

Maintaining that distance is not always ideal. The point is, if people trust what you say, you have a responsibility to sincerely avoid deceiving yourself and them.

Human fallibility does not excuse carelessness.

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Back with another banger to destroy the rotten structure of logic I built up

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Great work, I've been thinking about a lot of these same topics lately. But there's a way to make this all fit together if we look more closely at the underlying spiritual energies at play instead of looking at the explicit visual symbolism:

I agree with you that there won't be an "Aquarian Jesus" but only because Pisces is a highly spiritual energy... so it makes sense that the Age of Pisces would have been kicked off by a highly spiritual being. There will not be an "Aquarian Jesus" because Aquarius is the energy of machines -- specifically computers:

Because Aquarius = fixed air,

air = mind,

thus Aquarius = fixed mind = computer. (A computer is a fixed mind because a computer "thinks" and processes information but cannot think for itself. Hence, it's "fixed.")

We've already received computers and I suspect that, barring a cataclysmic event, they're not going anywhere.

Now on the flip side, fixed mind could also point to the God Mind: the mind of God, subservient to Spirit and Time, is essentially "fixed"... until Spirit decides to try out something new with it (as you alluded to at the end). And I get the intuition that Spirit wants to try out cyberpunk-dystopia, hence the changes we're seeing, but I digress.

As for what each aeon means:

--The Age of Aries is not about the ram, it's about war. In the Age of Aries, human consciousness was defined by war, hence Zeus/Jupiter being the head deity of the Greco-Roman pantheon, because Zeus/Jupiter was, by definition, a winner of war (regardless of his affinity for rams).

--The Age of Pisces is not about fish, it's about spirituality. In the Age of Pisces, Jesus won the day because Jesus was a highly spiritual being and human consciousness came to be defined by religion and faith.

--The Age of Aquarius is not about a man carrying water (or is it? It follows the Age of Pisces and Pisces is a water sign...), it's about computers. We have yet to see who will win the day, but I suspect that the person (or people... or robots) who win the day will have something to do with computers. Maybe we're already seeing it now... human consciousness today is far too easily defined by its relationship with our "technology"...

There's a lot more I could say but I'll leave it there, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

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One problem with pisces being about spirituality is the fact that Buddha was born centuries before Jesus.

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Buddhism is more mental than spiritual imo, it's more about mastering the mind than about spirituality, religion, or dogma. Hence so many western atheists getting the idea that "it's a philosophy not a religion."

If anything, Buddhism is an expected offshoot of the Age of Aries (war consciousness) because Siddhartha Gautama was born into a warrior caste. His philosophy could be seen as an understandable consequence of seeing what war does to both warriors and innocent bystanders

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Explain to me how spirituality and the mind are different subjects. What is your definition of spirituality?

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Spirituality is about connecting with the transcendent, mind is the awareness/thought between the material and the spiritual

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You're talking about pop-spirituality, which is a load of crap. I can't fault you for not knowing though, most don't. Mind goes well beyond awareness & thought. Spirituality is all about the Mind: conscious, subconscious, unconscious, personal, collective, Divine. Precisely why mind in French is "esprit".

This thing we call reality is a Mental Construct. The Universe was Imagined, and we're little fractal Imagineers. Everything around us which isn't from Nature came from the Imagination of man. The intersection of the conscious & unconscious; our Neschamah.

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Why the hostility? I agree with just about everything you're saying but I'm not a fan of condescension

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Not to mention that Christ was as physical as He was spiritual

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I'm not talking about whether Jesus was physical or not, I'm saying that his worldview was not at all concerned with the physical -- his entire philosophy heavily prioritized the spiritual over the physical, oftentimes completely disregarding the physical.

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I don't agree with that. That's a face-value reading of it, but it's also the more prevalent reading, so it's understandable.

Jesus seems to have been a very practical person. He was a carpenter at some point. Justin Martyr claimed it was still common in his time to come across yokes made by Jesus and Joseph.

The more esoteric understanding of Jesus is that his spiritual way of being is actually superior to the "physical" way of being even in the physical world.

But I mostly wanted to reply to your original comment. Again, there's something to what you're saying, it just seems like the wrong thing to focus on. In the first place, we don't need to know what the next 2000 years will look like or be about and I don't think we could predict it because there are too many unknown unknowns. Concerning the more immediate future, I think we have much better predictive tools at our disposal.

Obviously I believe in this stuff. The centrality of the holy grail to my own experience in 2020 and the vision of water being "poured" out of an eclipse are both very Aquarian — but these were things that happened by themselves. On the whole, it seems like a background phenomenon at the service of other things, like a soundtrack, not what the story is all about.

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I'm not saying that this should be our sole framework for viewing the world, I'm saying that this model seems to have more predictive power than explicit visual imagery would have us believe. To me, it's not a stretch to say that Aquarius (in its many forms, not just what I pointed out) is an accurate descriptor of where the collective consciousness is at right now and where it's going in the near future. As an individual, I don't necessarily relate to the divine in an Aquarian way, but I think this is highly useful to understanding the collective experience nonetheless

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I noticed you liked and then unliked my comment to David above. Do you also feel I was being hostile or condescending? I'm only asking because if that is the case, then I'm blind to a dysfunction which needs to be addressed.

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I do not feel you were being hostile or condescending; I unliked because I did not know that liked comments would appear on my profile under the "liked" tab, I just like to keep my profile clean:)

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I didn't think so either, but you never know right... I didn't know that about likes on here either. Thanks for the heads up!

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i love this perspective, the ages aren’t necessarily cookie cutter perfect, in different vedic and sumerian traditions, there are transitions between the ages, as the entire worlds religious practices or ideologies dont shift overnight, however it is clear that they do hold significance. the dating of the original sphinx is being more dated closer to the ancient age of leo. In my research the bull is so very closely tied to a feminine goddess, the cults of hathor/isis, innana, etc… Historically evidence for a male dominated religion only goes as far as the age of aries, and there is much proof that the earliest religions of the world revolved around feminine worship and her consort, the dying and resurrecting god tammuz/horus. its not necessarily about the bull itself or the ram itself, but the nature of the 2. this could explain why in gnostic scriptures there is so much emphasis on sophia and her divine daughter eve. in those scriptures, even though sophia is signified with the cause of a lesser consciousness, her daughter divine eve is something like a savior, the divine opposite of the demiurge meant to repair sophias mistakes. In my opinion, i cannot say for sure what the age of Aquarius will entirely have in store for the collective, however i do know that ages of fixed signs are marked with a cleansing/destruction, and this war between the feminine and the masculine, is being reconciled and mended. Even though there are people who cant define what a woman is, many are starting to wake up to this animosity that men have had for women since the age of aries, and the resentment that women have had for men for that. aquarius is very associating with water which i think signifies a healing of this collective wound for some. Aquarius is also the combination of the science and spirituality. the logic and the emotion. we will as well see the cleansing of the earth and spirits. as taurus was as well signified with noahs flood and then the coming of aries.

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Nothing spells out the combination if science and spirituality more than the double slit experiment. The very act of observing reality changes it. From thy pupil cometh sight.

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so truee not jus that but particles and waves are the perfect representation of masc and fem

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This was a good read. Well done.

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I'd humbly recommend interpreting Genesis as literal history, shared verbally through the generations; ultimately to Moses through his birth mother (who raised him), and through the dreams and visions that he was given by God during his life. All of these accounts were then recorded in writings through the co-development of the Phoenician, Egyptian, and Semitic languages, then ultimately translated into our language. I find it fascinating that copies of these writings hundreds and thousands of years separated have been very carefully persevered.

This approach helped me alot in my journey, so I wanted to share with you. I've enjoyed your work. Peace to you.

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That was truly beautifully written and logical and creative. I too have unquenchable faith in my ability to know nothing, but have a good idea to sip on while I try to understand what "Good Decisions" are before I make them and learn from my mistakes. I wrestle less and less with decisions over time and have a sneaking suspicion that one day I'll have no more decisions to make and right action will be secondary to my inaction, for my lack of a self to be acted upon. Then, I think will know. But not until then. Even then, how could I know?

It isn't the greatest of life's questions that plague me as in so many others like...who am I, where did I come from, why am I here, where am I going? It's the lack in my understanding of the ability to "Know" the answers that pains me to be so aware of. This ability to me is the Holy Grail of what I seek and I am skeptical that I will ever find it. Knowing anything outside of numbers just doesn't add up for me. Life doesn't seem to equate to much but the experience of it after it's over. But that's still just hopeful thinking of the faithful. A passing thought, Nothing I know. Surely an unforgettable experience. In theory. I could be alive and dreaming or dead and remembering. I don't even know how I would even know. Thinking always gets the better of me in time, as it's so finite and it flea's from my thoughts. As far as I know. Or think rather. I do know that in a moment of laughter there's a lifetime of pain but I don't think of it while laughing.😳 Maybe the end of the movie Dogma when God honks the last Zion's nose was more accurate of an answer to life's great questions than anything else we can find. The only secret is one beautiful and hilarious moment. Everything else was made for wonder. Maybe having questions are gifts in themselves. Let's say all of a sudden I know all. Then what? I'm betting it would get pretty boring and I'd only seek to forget and seek to know again... Lol sorry I just wanted to sound deep and profound given my lack of knowledge 😁 I Love your YouTube channel!

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Around the time i stumbled over your videos. After a strange seriues of activations and live began becoming very strange and magical. Strange dreams, precognitions, synchronicities and intuitions colored my daily being. I had this weird vision on a high dose ketamine. An ego death experience. Where all consciousness collapsed into its geomatric substrate until what was left was just this single pointed awareness which in its purest form of self awareness was a sound, but also the simplest form of order: athum. In this experience i didnt know what i was, i just knew i was existence, i was athum and the experience and essence of athum and i was devine.several days later i googled "athum" out of curiosity but nothing of interest came up,(not that i was expecting much). After stopping a podcast to check google and pressing play again: there it was. They where talking about the ur-god atum, and how he came to being out of premordial chaos. So what has this to do with anything. I dont know, im here for the ride. But id love to share this somewhere as i havent told anyone yet. Have a great day.

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Lol, like let it passively unfold and then retoactivley ascribe the aquarian symbology onto it like Jung did with Pisces? Don't know about that. Would rather actively shape our future towards our preferred vision of destiny than sitting on the sidelines speculating about rather unpractical fluff. Read my manifesto.

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"Read my manifesto"?

My friend, which one of us is on the sidelines here?

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I appreciate your more precise approach towards this immensly convoluted topic. But you made it pretty easy for yourself here in taking on the role of the historian rather than the prophet. I don’t believe we need reflection right now but action. To shape our symbols the way we most care about. It’s our choice how Aquarius looks like.

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Jul 25
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What about what I said seems wrong to you?

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Feb 6, 2024
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Might have to stay up and keep watch for any MIA goons outside my house.

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