“When the Roman soldiers mock Christ, they dress Him in a royal robe, crown Him and exclaim “Hail, King of the Jews!”

The sign upon the cross reads: “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.””

This is insanely profound part of your post, and I think it perfectly encapsulates this whole post. No matter how much we may try to evade or mock prophecy, it will always happen. Maybe just not in the way you picture it. It’s like when people pray to god for something and they receive it, not in the way they’d expect. Also exactly why I never ask for anything lol

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I should mention it's not my observation, but it does illustrate the idea very well

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Be careful what you wish for, you might get it

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Bro take a look at iconography of the Transfiguration of Christ and you will often find the unicursal hexagram!

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>Likewise, the apocalypse of John is rendered only symbolically because there are an infinite number of ways it could unfold, but no way that it could not. Every possible future from the writing of Revelation forward can only culminate in events resembling the ones described therein.

I have these sentiment from your work that many symbols manifestate in reality in different ways from which they were depicted time ago.

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no you are wrong,

and made a grave mistake you assume that "God has crafted reality" is your first mistake ,

"Every detail of every possible course was conceived before the world’s foundation" this is your second mistake there are more but let us focus on these 2 first :

1_ god create "craft" the universe , this is so anti rational for just a simple question who created god

i think you should answer this very simple question first before you talk about the universe , also from where god created the universe of to be more precise what or from what is god substance is the universe a separate from god or is it god , assuming god is the universe itself then how it come to being from where of what , all these question are naseberry a priory absolute and compulsory for a claim to a creator god ,

solution to the creation problem :

0 _ ontological mathematics .

1 _ THE PSR (The principle of suffusion reason) .

2_ Monadology of Leibniz , "they are two version one for the masses and a one for the gnostic the seeker of the one and only truth .

3 _ the gods series by Mike Hockney (32 books) : recommended books

- The God Game


- The God Secret


- The Last Man Who Knew Everything


- The God Equation


-The God Factory


i am not qualified Enoch to explain the topics above so you do you're research and you will know I guaranteed that.

so the second mistake :

Every detail of every possible course was conceived before the world’s foundation,

so you write this by you own free will or you are just a robot performing a know set in stone action that is writing that you have no free will ,

for this subject i let you with these books :

-The Mathematical Universe


- Free Will and Will to Power


- causation and the principle of sufficient reason


for you out there that wont check the books this a Synopsis of one of the books

"The Mathematical Universe" :

The universe is a mathematical hologram. It’s made of ontological mathematics. It’s a living, thinking, self-optimising holographic organism composed of immortal, indestructible, ontological mathematical units called monads, defined by the most powerful and beautiful equation in the whole of mathematics: Euler’s Formula.

Monads have a much more resonant name: souls. We all inhabit Soul World, a wondrous Singularity outside space and time. Our souls are individual mathematical singularities: autonomous, uncaused, uncreated, dimensionless frequency domains. Via Fourier mathematics, these imperishable, immaterial monadic souls can collectively create the spacetime domain of the material world. Where each soul is a single frequency domain, the material world of space and time is their collective Fourier output. What is “matter”? It’s simply dimensional energy: energy existing in the Fourier spacetime domain rather than in the Fourier dimensionless frequency domain.

, have a good day and enjoy

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You seem very sure that the way you have put the puzzle of the universe together is the only way. My friend I can only conceive of one being who has all the pieces and guess what, it's not you. A dose of humility would do you some good.

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if you want to know the ultimate truth,

I highly recommended you read the works of the Pythagorean illuminist.

you can start with The-God-Series By Mike Hockney ,

here is the list


you can get them here :


or on listen on youtube free :


you can check other series and authors.



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Mathematics alone reconciles ontology, rationalism and analytic truth.

All truths of objective, ontological mathematics are rationalist and analytic.

These are eternal, a priori, necessary truths that can never change. They are

the only conceivable laws that can define an eternal universe. Mathematics

is the strangest and most alien of all subjects, yet it’s also breathtakingly,

pure, true and beautiful. What better basis could there be for the great

mystery of existence? The mystery of mathematics, particularly as it

concerns zero and infinity, is the same mystery of why we are here at all.

But there is no mystery because mathematics provides all of the answers,

and they are indisputably correct! They provide absolute certainty.

What are You?

You think you’re a person, right? Indeed you are. But what is a person?

What is it ultimately, existentially? Are you an eternal “thing”, a transient

thing resulting from a scientific “Big Bang”, or were you summoned into

existence by a Creator?

The word “person” comes from the Latin persona, meaning mask. So

what is being masked? What is the underlying reality? A “person” is in fact

an autonomous, uncreated mathematical subject (an uncaused causal agent),

an entity that experiences mathematical information. We are in an ocean of

mathematical information, both internally and externally. All we do is

receive information, process information and generate information

The clever part is that information is both objective and subjective. We,

as subjects, always experience information subjectively. However, when we

contemplate the universe beyond our subjective impressions of it, we are

led to a consideration of objective, universally applicable informational

laws. Feelings and sensations are extremely subjective (hence any systems

of thought based on them, such as Abrahamism and scientific empiricist

materialism, will be too). Reason and intuition are what bring us into

contact with objective reality. Feelings are specific to the person

experiencing them; reason, when exercised correctly, is the same for

everyone in the universe. 1 + 1 = 2 is the same everywhere forever

you can either have a perfect Created Order which has no need of

teleology (since its perfect Creator already established its perfection – and

this is very much the Christian Creationist view), or you can have an

imperfect Uncreated Order evolving teleologically towards a perfect end

(which is the Illuminist view). Or you can have an uncreated, nonteleological universe evolving purposelessly (according to Darwinian

natural selection), and heading in a machinelike way towards inevitable

heat death in accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Or you

can have “karmic” moral evolution, as in Eastern religion.

1) Creationism (non-teleological).

2) Teleological Evolution (Illuminism and esoteric religion).

3) Karmic Evolution (Eastern religion; teleological).

4) Darwinian Evolution (Scientific materialism and atheism; nonteleological).

The First Law of Existence states that if existence is possible at all then it is

necessarily infinite in extent because of the Infinity Multiplier, and it thereby excludes

the possibility of non-existence. The Second Law of Existence, which is a logical

consequence of the first, states that existence can be neither created nor destroyed (it is

permanently infinite in extent), only transformed into different manifestations of

existence. You can’t take a single existing thing out of existence, nor add any new

existent to what already exists.

The hypothetical First Law of Non-Existence states that if non-existence is

possible then it will be infinite in scale spatially and temporally, and so nothing at all will

exist – ever. The hypothetical Second Law of Non-Existence states that non-existence can

be neither created nor destroyed: not a single thing can come into existence – ever. We

say “hypothetical” because if these two laws applied, there would be nothing at all

(including the laws themselves – non-existence eats itself, so to speak).

What are the fundamental axioms of existence? Here is an initial set, all of which

are intimately connected, and flow one from the other and into each other:

Axiom 1: Non-existence is impossible.

Axiom 2: Existence cannot be created from non-existence and existence cannot

disappear into non-existence.

Axiom 3: Existence is everywhere and forever.

Axiom 4: Anything that exists is eternal in terms of its constituents.

Axiom 5: There are no limits on existence, hence it is infinite.

Axiom 6: The universe is infinite.

Axiom 7: Nothing can be added to existence or subtracted from it, but existence

can continually transform itself.

Axiom 8: Any transformation of existence must reflect the inherent properties of

the fundamental units of existence since otherwise things previously non-existent things

would be coming into existence in contradiction of Axiom 1, the fundamental basis of

existence. In particular, there is no such thing as EMERGENCE where novel, previously

non-existent phenomena are said to be appear as a result of mixing ingredients in certain

special ways.

Axiom 9: A key corollary of Axiom 8 is that mind, life and consciousness must

already be present in some form in the fundamental units of existence; otherwise, these

would have to be treated as non-existents that suddenly came into existence through some

miraculous emergence, in contradiction of Axiom 1.

Axiom10: The fundamental units of existence are therefore in some sense alive.

Axiom11: The fundamental units of existence are therefore in some sense imbued

with mind, and consciousness is a potentiality of mind even if it may be difficult to

express it (mind in its basic condition is unconscious; alternatively, we might say that

consciousness is the highest expression of unconsciousness, or unconsciousness is the

lowest expression – ground state – of consciousness).

Axiom 12: The fundamental units of existence are unconscious or pre-conscious,

and consciousness is nothing but a more complex version of the mental processes

involved in unconscious or pre-conscious minds i.e. unconsciousness and consciousness

exist on a spectrum and are not wholly different states. Consciousness is more advanced,

more complex, unconsciousness. Since this is such a key point, we will give an example.

A sleepwalking human being is not conscious and yet can walk, talk, and perform

complex tasks. The difference between an unconscious and conscious human being is that

the latter can reflect on what he is doing and remember it. The actual mental tasks

performed may be identical in both cases and indeed there is a great deal of evidence that

unconscious acts can be performed more expertly than conscious acts, as in the sporting

arena where sportsmen and women often fail when they become overly conscious of

what they are doing and leave the “zone” where they had previously been doing things

effortlessly (and essentially unconsciously). Consciousness is different in quality from

unconsciousness, but is not different in kind. It’s a more complex and sophisticated

version of the same phenomenon. If you think about it, all human beings are continually

acting according to unconscious factors as well as conscious ones, and these are seamlessly integrated to provide the appearance of 100% conscious control, when the

truth is rather different. But what this means is that consciousness and unconsciousness

are not two different “substances”, but the same substance expressed with higher or lower

quality, with greater or lesser expression of its inherent potential.

Axiom 13: It follows from Axiom 12 that the universe is capable of performing

minded, purposeful, intelligent acts, just like a sleepwalking human being. The universe

can be conceived as an unconscious, sleepwalking, living intelligence. It is not stupid,

lifeless, mindless robotic, mechanistic and purposeless, as scientific materialism asserts.

Axiom 14: It follows from Axioms 12 and 13 that the universe is inherently

teleological: it has purposes that it seeks to fulfil, and above all, it seeks to become

conscious as the best means of enacting its purposes.

Axiom 15: It follows from the previous Axioms that the universe is an evolving,

purposeful organism or mind – not a lifeless, clockwork mechanism obeying implacable

machine laws, as is so often characterized by scientific materialists.

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Once again you seem to completely miss the complex beauty of the symphony for the simplicity of its structure and notes. Your obsessiveness over it is almost autistic in nature. My friend there is no need to dump these amounts of information prematurely in a simple comment section to people you should know are unlikely to read through such a compendium. You are a very intelligent man I'm sure, there is no need to spend so much energy trying to convince us of it. Lay your pride to rest brother, and listen to the music. Be well.

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You make a fair point that long detailed responses may not be appropriate or helpful in all contexts. My intention was to provide relevant information to the discussion, Thank you for the feedback. and have a good (day/night)

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