Being completely honest you hit the nail on the head with her being "Not nearly as innocent or demure as a good Christian would be inclined to expect." Granted the entire idea of the consort of Christ has been difficult for me to wrap my head around.
Despite the good foundation of the 527 synchronicities this was just the one post out of all of them (just finished your entire catalog today 👍) that left me feeling a bit unsatisfied, as if a piece of the puzzle were still missing. Yet as always your weakest argument is still more than enough to keep me up at night so don't fret. It's obvious her role in this is far from over anyway!
I know you're becoming ever more of a big shot so I thank you for your time reading this. I wanted to contribute something to this discussion of the wife of God. One of the more popular conceptions of the idea of God today is that of a God who splits his consciousness into many different forms to experience his creation. While this is intriguing, it doesn't exactly fit within my more Christian sensibilities. I've always imagined that if there is such thing as the wife of God, it existed before anything else in creation. Before any angel or human. The Yin to Yahweh's Yang. Aion shows that it seems Yahweh went looking for his feminine counterpart in humanity, Specifically the people of Israel.
The archetypes of death and birth are so very closely interlinked I came to realize, Perhaps the wife of God "died" in childbirth ,similar to so many human women of times gone by, by splitting her consciousness into all others while Yahweh's stayed "behind" to maintain the universe, or at least its narrative structure.
If you are reading this again, I thank you for your time. And look forward to your recently announced project.
That's a very interesting way to put it, I've actually considered this angle as well. The new age "we are God experiencing the universe" doesn't really click for me either. I imagined a primordial quaternitarian God, whose fourth feminine aspect split off and "died" to create the world. The image of death in childbirth is fascinating.
What I can see clearly beyond any speculation is this constellation in scripture:
1. God creates the world, but it's dry and dead, so he pulls this vapour out of it and then waters the face of the Earth to create "life." (Genesis 2:6) We see this image again when Moses brings forth water from a stone. Christ, the new Adam, will do the same when He brings forth the new Eve (the church) from Peter (rock).
2. God creates Adam (man), but "It is not good that the man should be alone" so He creates Eve (life) out of Adam's side. Note that this aloneness is the first thing that is called "not good" by God during the creation account.
3. Icons of the crucifixion sometimes depict the blood and water from Christ's side pouring into the holy grail which confers everlasting life.
Here, a system of linkages forms connecting water, life, woman and a cup, which resembles the image of Jacob meeting Rachel at a well and likewise, the Star in the Tarot (the card of Aquarius).
All of this clicked when I started dating a girl named Eve. I haven't written about it because I haven't finished thinking about it and I've been too busy with other things, but perhaps it will be of some use to you.
Funny you should mention a woman. The spiritual journey that led me to you began in a similar fashion after I too met a woman who shook up my world view.
Either way, it's clear to me that God resurrected his Son. Perhaps with all of us by his side he can do the same for his wife. At the bare minimum. I hope to see a revitalizing of the religion come out of this work, hopefully one that helps bring back the many women who have left the herd due to the past misogyny of what we must admit is a very masculine centered religion. I've found it much easier to bring my male friends closer to God than women.
Get used to me in your comments section because I have a sneaking feeling this might not be the last you hear from me, nor i certainty of you.
I expect this hasn’t escaped you but the word (and God) Metis seems to fit in nicely here. I’m thinking of Peter Kingsley and his exposition in his book Reality in reference to Empedocles. I hadn’t put it together with Sophia but it fits. Thank you.
made the same connection. also interested in how this dies in with his statements that the sophists were in fact the bearers of the true philosophical tradition that Plato bastardized.
The whore of Babylon is not a whore... she is being raped. Humans use and abuse technology, their craftwork makes them feel like gods. I think this is what Revelation may be refering to.
Completely agree with this article. Waiting to see more on the cosmogram. Interesting art with vast meaning. The logos and eros explain sexual alchemy. David knocked out the Philistine with a stone, then killed him with his own sword (Psalm 151). Jesus, like an overflowing chalice, fed the multitude and gave drink. Later, pierced with a lance. A lance is another symbol for a wand. When Jesus was pierced, "blood and water poured out of his wound". John 19:34
Ive been lost for a long time, when i read the word Sophia, sent me shivers.
Ive been thinking of Sophia for about two weeks, probably more like four as i recall the blue moon around the same time, when all on earth seemed calm.
GAIA is the name for the body of mother Earth
Sophia is her soul name, her ethereal body which is also spherical and extends way beyond the moon.
If I want to talk to mother earth, I call her Sophie (Sophia)
As aeons in the pleroma, Sophia, in the moment of recognition as the flames leap up and kiss each other, was caught in the longest moment of distract. She states to have "created without clarity" thus giving birth as Tia maat, to monsters, 11 she later appointed to each station before Marduk broke out of her and filleted her. She longs for the fullness of the sun in Christos. If she goes to light, then yes with Christos. Her confabulations in some ways like ptsd or the utterings of Mummu. Watch for Ouranos, maverick like lightening, landing with fiery feet as a meteor as the sky as Nut.
Thank you for your wisdom... Wisdom in both the ancient and the modern sense, that is. What you write is insightful, and you also write it well.
I'll reflect back to you what I've understood: that Sophia is associated with "skillful means" and (as you've said) with "knowing how to do something" in a direct, bodily way; this as opposed to the Logos, associated with "righteous ends" and "knowing why to do something" in what might be a more abstract sense.
The story of Sophia in gnosticism is therefore demystified: we have, in the act of Sophia reflecting on God, skillful means without righteous ends. An image of God is made which has great capacity for action and creation but no explicit guiding principle for WHY it should act or create, and therefore no constraints set on WHAT it should create. A world of both good and evil results: the Archon cannot discern good and evil and so creates indiscriminately, but we can, because we have with us the Logos.
Would you say that we, so Logoicly endowed, are here in some sense to re-weave righteous ends into the world? Do we work with the Logos to re-enchant, to re-direct, to re-deem the world from a place of meaningless happenstance to a place filled with meaning, with ultimate purpose? To a place which will actually, in the end, be revealed as part of the divine plan all along? Is this re-weaving what you mean by the word "constellating?" Or is it the other way around, that we rather *discern* the Logos in the world, and that this enables us to make better meaningful sense of it?
I've misunderstood. Things have come to me since that have illuminated the manner on which I've misunderstood: it's not our ability to distinguish good and evil that separates us from the Demiurge, it can do that too (although good and evil just always be understood as "good/bad for which persons" and "good/bad for what ends"). What distinguishes us is the light, the true spirit, breathed into us at the creation of humanity, essentially smuggled into the world by Sophia, by my understanding. That, that spirit, is the logos. The Logos is, I understand it now, beyond the scope of mundane assignments of good and evil according to fixed, dead criteria. The will and life of God's good is renewed in every moment...
....nakes it damn hard to keep up with, that life.
One of your weaker arguments yet still as compelling as always.
Why do you think that?
Being completely honest you hit the nail on the head with her being "Not nearly as innocent or demure as a good Christian would be inclined to expect." Granted the entire idea of the consort of Christ has been difficult for me to wrap my head around.
Despite the good foundation of the 527 synchronicities this was just the one post out of all of them (just finished your entire catalog today 👍) that left me feeling a bit unsatisfied, as if a piece of the puzzle were still missing. Yet as always your weakest argument is still more than enough to keep me up at night so don't fret. It's obvious her role in this is far from over anyway!
I've been developing these ideas a lot lately. I think will become a much stronger case as time goes on.
Thanks for the feedback and for reading everything!
I know you're becoming ever more of a big shot so I thank you for your time reading this. I wanted to contribute something to this discussion of the wife of God. One of the more popular conceptions of the idea of God today is that of a God who splits his consciousness into many different forms to experience his creation. While this is intriguing, it doesn't exactly fit within my more Christian sensibilities. I've always imagined that if there is such thing as the wife of God, it existed before anything else in creation. Before any angel or human. The Yin to Yahweh's Yang. Aion shows that it seems Yahweh went looking for his feminine counterpart in humanity, Specifically the people of Israel.
The archetypes of death and birth are so very closely interlinked I came to realize, Perhaps the wife of God "died" in childbirth ,similar to so many human women of times gone by, by splitting her consciousness into all others while Yahweh's stayed "behind" to maintain the universe, or at least its narrative structure.
If you are reading this again, I thank you for your time. And look forward to your recently announced project.
That's a very interesting way to put it, I've actually considered this angle as well. The new age "we are God experiencing the universe" doesn't really click for me either. I imagined a primordial quaternitarian God, whose fourth feminine aspect split off and "died" to create the world. The image of death in childbirth is fascinating.
What I can see clearly beyond any speculation is this constellation in scripture:
1. God creates the world, but it's dry and dead, so he pulls this vapour out of it and then waters the face of the Earth to create "life." (Genesis 2:6) We see this image again when Moses brings forth water from a stone. Christ, the new Adam, will do the same when He brings forth the new Eve (the church) from Peter (rock).
2. God creates Adam (man), but "It is not good that the man should be alone" so He creates Eve (life) out of Adam's side. Note that this aloneness is the first thing that is called "not good" by God during the creation account.
3. Icons of the crucifixion sometimes depict the blood and water from Christ's side pouring into the holy grail which confers everlasting life.
Here, a system of linkages forms connecting water, life, woman and a cup, which resembles the image of Jacob meeting Rachel at a well and likewise, the Star in the Tarot (the card of Aquarius).
All of this clicked when I started dating a girl named Eve. I haven't written about it because I haven't finished thinking about it and I've been too busy with other things, but perhaps it will be of some use to you.
Funny you should mention a woman. The spiritual journey that led me to you began in a similar fashion after I too met a woman who shook up my world view.
Either way, it's clear to me that God resurrected his Son. Perhaps with all of us by his side he can do the same for his wife. At the bare minimum. I hope to see a revitalizing of the religion come out of this work, hopefully one that helps bring back the many women who have left the herd due to the past misogyny of what we must admit is a very masculine centered religion. I've found it much easier to bring my male friends closer to God than women.
Get used to me in your comments section because I have a sneaking feeling this might not be the last you hear from me, nor i certainty of you.
I expect this hasn’t escaped you but the word (and God) Metis seems to fit in nicely here. I’m thinking of Peter Kingsley and his exposition in his book Reality in reference to Empedocles. I hadn’t put it together with Sophia but it fits. Thank you.
Hi, I french, so I may miss something, can you explain why Metis seems to fit her please?
made the same connection. also interested in how this dies in with his statements that the sophists were in fact the bearers of the true philosophical tradition that Plato bastardized.
Hi, I am french, so I may miss something, can you explain why Metis seems to fit her please?
The whore of Babylon is not a whore... she is being raped. Humans use and abuse technology, their craftwork makes them feel like gods. I think this is what Revelation may be refering to.
This was beautiful. Thank you.
Completely agree with this article. Waiting to see more on the cosmogram. Interesting art with vast meaning. The logos and eros explain sexual alchemy. David knocked out the Philistine with a stone, then killed him with his own sword (Psalm 151). Jesus, like an overflowing chalice, fed the multitude and gave drink. Later, pierced with a lance. A lance is another symbol for a wand. When Jesus was pierced, "blood and water poured out of his wound". John 19:34
Ive been lost for a long time, when i read the word Sophia, sent me shivers.
Ive been thinking of Sophia for about two weeks, probably more like four as i recall the blue moon around the same time, when all on earth seemed calm.
GAIA is the name for the body of mother Earth
Sophia is her soul name, her ethereal body which is also spherical and extends way beyond the moon.
If I want to talk to mother earth, I call her Sophie (Sophia)
As aeons in the pleroma, Sophia, in the moment of recognition as the flames leap up and kiss each other, was caught in the longest moment of distract. She states to have "created without clarity" thus giving birth as Tia maat, to monsters, 11 she later appointed to each station before Marduk broke out of her and filleted her. She longs for the fullness of the sun in Christos. If she goes to light, then yes with Christos. Her confabulations in some ways like ptsd or the utterings of Mummu. Watch for Ouranos, maverick like lightening, landing with fiery feet as a meteor as the sky as Nut.
Wow. Deja Vu right now..
as always, you are seeing with clarity in this world and the next. thank you for bringing me this clarity as well.
Thank you for your wisdom... Wisdom in both the ancient and the modern sense, that is. What you write is insightful, and you also write it well.
I'll reflect back to you what I've understood: that Sophia is associated with "skillful means" and (as you've said) with "knowing how to do something" in a direct, bodily way; this as opposed to the Logos, associated with "righteous ends" and "knowing why to do something" in what might be a more abstract sense.
The story of Sophia in gnosticism is therefore demystified: we have, in the act of Sophia reflecting on God, skillful means without righteous ends. An image of God is made which has great capacity for action and creation but no explicit guiding principle for WHY it should act or create, and therefore no constraints set on WHAT it should create. A world of both good and evil results: the Archon cannot discern good and evil and so creates indiscriminately, but we can, because we have with us the Logos.
Would you say that we, so Logoicly endowed, are here in some sense to re-weave righteous ends into the world? Do we work with the Logos to re-enchant, to re-direct, to re-deem the world from a place of meaningless happenstance to a place filled with meaning, with ultimate purpose? To a place which will actually, in the end, be revealed as part of the divine plan all along? Is this re-weaving what you mean by the word "constellating?" Or is it the other way around, that we rather *discern* the Logos in the world, and that this enables us to make better meaningful sense of it?
I've misunderstood. Things have come to me since that have illuminated the manner on which I've misunderstood: it's not our ability to distinguish good and evil that separates us from the Demiurge, it can do that too (although good and evil just always be understood as "good/bad for which persons" and "good/bad for what ends"). What distinguishes us is the light, the true spirit, breathed into us at the creation of humanity, essentially smuggled into the world by Sophia, by my understanding. That, that spirit, is the logos. The Logos is, I understand it now, beyond the scope of mundane assignments of good and evil according to fixed, dead criteria. The will and life of God's good is renewed in every moment...
....nakes it damn hard to keep up with, that life.