Check out my article on Pi. Interesting we both have found peculiar meaning in Pey. 5/27 falls under the astrological sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury. I have been having visitations by Hermes. Pey is also attributed to the Strength card, which is a woman wrestling a lion. Lions were often depicted with Hermes in ancient Greek art. Hermes was said to have invented wrestling. 26 plays an important role in Jewish Gematira because it is the value of the divine name יהוה. The number 27 suggests a fifth letter added to 26, which can only be Aleph, the number 1, commonly attributed to either the Magus or Fool card, both mercurial. Not only this but Yod and Vav are attributed to the Hermit and the Lovers, also cards ruled by Mercury. The Hey's are attributed to the Star, Aquarius. Ruled by Saturn. 527 jumped out at me as a formula for this word to be constructed of five letters and equal twenty seven. איהוה. It was very fitting that you changed the name of your publication to Son of Mercury this past week or so. There are many out here who feel the same as you do. Other children of Mercury. I like to think of myself as one of them. Yesterday was my 20th birthday. Interestingly I have a picture taken right after I was born, at exactly 10:54AM... 5:27 x 2. Today makes me roughly 27 x 270 days old. These are the things that came to mind. As Children of Hermes our home is the road. Consider following in our brother Odysseus' footsteps soon.

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Very interesting I'll look at all of that! I thought I'd subscribed to you, but apparently I haven't, so I'll do that.

Strength and the Star were both Zell's cards for me. Mostly for obvious reasons, but also because of her odd parallelism with Babalon who is on the Lust card and likewise, an association with the scarlet ibis which is on the Star card in the Rider-Waite Deck. The two cards of course are Aquarius and Leo which are opposites.

I suggested in a Twitter thread that Abraxas is both Mercury and Saturn, so if the letters of יהוה correspond to Mercurial and Saturnine signs, that's significant. Interesting that the "final" letter would correspond to Fool/Magician when Biblically, 27 is man and Revelation.

Funny as well that you should mention Odysseus. I'm planning to move in the next few weeks, so thanks for the sign!

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Have you considered that the sigil you've drawn for Zell could also be interpreted as a stylized Hebrew letter Alpeh? The Aleph is typically drawn like two Yods on either corner, a diagonal Vav in the middle, with lines to connect these building-block letters in a continuous form, similar to how you've drawn the sigil. My knowledge of Hebrew letter symbolism is very limited, but my understanding is that on a mystical level, the shape of an Alpeh is intended to indicate unity between heaven and earth: the upper Yod is heaven, the lower Yod is Earth, and the center line Vav is the bridge between them. Thought this was quite significant.

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I like that! It didn't occurred to me, but it does fit. That was sort of how I saw the sigil since Zell is kind of a messenger or mediator like Hermes, so I did see it as representing a bridge between Heaven and Earth.

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A nice cheeky touch is that you published this article on 05/27. Probably intentional but still very elegant.

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Shes like the lady of the lake for me. A dark, celtic, magical women who is somehow related to the moon. Queen of cups and queen of swords fused together. Sword S(word). She grasps the word and gives it to her champions. Like the many lunar goddesses of ancient Ireland and Greece who would bestow heroes she favored with luck and wisdom. I think she was thrown out with the bath water in the church. And i think she is on the side of God ultimately. Although she has that shadow. The old decrepit witch, whore, child devourer, who succumbs to temptation and becomes the vessel of it. The fallen eve. The whore of Babylon.

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9 of wands on a farm in a nutshell. Or eggshell.

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